Membekal, Menjual Dan Membeli Benih Dan Matang Kerapu Hybrid (Kacuk),
Kerapu Hijau (Liar), Siakap Putih Dan Talapia. Membekal Sistem Penternakan
Ikan Dalam Tangki, Kolam Dan Takungan. Konsultansi Projek Akuakultur Marin
Ikan Kerapu dan Siakap Putih (Payau) Peringkat Pembenihan, Asuhan
Dan Pembesaran (Sangkar, Tangki, Kolam, Takungan).

Kiraan anggaran kos elektrik (asas) untuk sebulan bagi satu set CENTS.

CENTS's electricity cost estimation (basic) for one month.

Satu pam air dan satu air blower.
One water pump and one air blower.

1 horsepower (hp) = 746 watt (w)
Tariff for industry = RM 0.43

Standard-use blower, 0.5 to 1 hp
Standard-use water pump, 1.5 to 2.5 hp

0.5 hp (373 w), 24/7 usage for 1 month (30 days)
0.373 x 0.43 x 24 x 30 = RM 115.48

1 hp (746 w), 24/7 usage for 1 month (30 days)
0.746 x 0.43 x 24 x 30 = RM 230.96

1.5 hp (1119 w), 24/7 usage for 1 month (30 days)
1.119 x 0.43 x 24 x 30 = RM 346.44

2 hp (1491 w), 24/7 usage for 1 month (30 days)
1.491 x 0.43 x 24 x 30 = RM 461.61

2.5 hp (1864 w), 24/7 usage for 1 month (30 days)
1.864 x 0.43 x 24 x 30 = RM 577.09


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